Industrial products
We manufacture different kinds of products for industrial, storage and processing use. Delivery can vary from one lying storage tank or silo to complete container systems made up of several tanks or silos and their ancillary equipment. We design the products from scratch or implement solutions according to our customers’ ready-made plans. Our ancillary equipment range includes pipelines, ladders, walking bridges, mixers, pumps and measuring devices. Tanks made from stainless steel along with their ancillary equipment are durable, high-quality solutions for the most demanding conditions.

Storage tanks and silos
Nordic Tank provides stable quality for storing different kinds of raw material in industrial processes and processing stations. We design and manufacture small and medium sized lying storage tanks and standing silos from stainless steel with customer-specific modifications and supplementary products. We deliver both insulated and un-insulated products. Our design team’s goal is that for every storage product we can find an all-encompassing solution through optimal dimensioning and positioning. Storage tanks are delivered directly to the destination from our factory.

Pressure vessels and pressure equipment
We manufacture tanks for industrial processes and storage according to PED Pressure Equipment Directive, without compromising on safety. Our products can be used, for example, in paper, pulp and chemical factories or handling and storage stations. We carry out pressure equipment calculations and make approval inspections as part of the delivery.

Ancillary equipment
Properly designed, positioned and manufactured ladders, service and walkways for process and storage tanks make it easier to use the tank and improve safety at work. We also deliver pipelines, mixers, pumps, measuring devices and cold cabinets.